Linux commands

Here I want to summarize the most powerful and useful linux commands that I get to know during my ADA journey.

Tested on the following system. System: Ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS Shell: bash

# Compress/uncompress folder
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz foldertozip/ 
# 	uncompress
tar -zxvf archive.tar.gz

# Change Default Shell for user
cat /etc/shells # show all available shells
sudo vim /etc/passwd # go to user and set the desired shell

# Check available disk space
df -h

# Fancy way to show CPU/RAM usage as well as running processes

# Show folder size
du -shc folder/

# Best way to find out where programms are located
which cardano-cli
    # Output

# find only the sudo or super users

grep '^sudo:.*$' /etc/group | cut -d: -f4
# or
getent group sudo | cut -d: -f4

# seatch and replace text in file
sed -i "s+SARCHPATTERN+NEWPATTERN+g" file.txt

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